It's interesting that the top new democrat candidates have out raised the top new republican candidates. It has been a long time since any group of democrats have out raised a group of republicans. If they can work together as a team it will be a good sign for the democrats in 2014/16, but team and politics are a big "if". Looking at the top fundraisers in the incoming class is a very good way to identify future leaders. It seems that the skills necessary to raise money many times lead to success in caucus politics.
Top Democrat New Candidates
Total Raised
- John Wright D $167,434.20
- Will Talbert D $83,938.17
- Ken Jacob D $82,315.86- former senator
- Jeff Roorda D $75,725.36- former rep.
- Deb Lavender D $50,463.56
- Keith English D $39,858.19
- Jeremy LaFaver D $35,847.65
- Tom Todd D $33,372.63 –former rep.
- Rebecca McClanahan D $33,064.00 –former rep.
- Holmes Osborne D $31,294.02
- Vicki Englund D $29,315.94- former rep.
- Michael Frame D $28,142.12- former rep.
TOTAL $607,317
Top Republican New Candidates
Total Raised
- Kevin Engler R $140,562.50-former senator
- Rocky Miller R $77,798.51
- Holly Rehder R $58,032.59
- Delus Johnson R $44,995.00
- Derrick Good R $40,187.50 –former rep.
- Lynn Morris R $37,766.00
- Donna Pfautsch R $33,631.60
- Ken Wilson R $32,047.89
- Glen Kolkmeyer R $29,984.34
- Elijah Haahr R $28,157.00
- Elaine Gannon R $25,765.60
TOTAL $591,006